When shopping for a bowling ball, you’ll notice that there are many different weights to choose from.
The weight of the ball is generally from 8-16 pounds, with 12 pounds being the most popular size.
You might be wondering which size is best for your game and why some manufacturers produce heavier balls than others.
Why the weight of a bowling ball matter?
It seems like the weight of a ball is very important, but just how important is it?
When it comes to bowling, the weight of your ball matters.
A lot. If you use a -pound ball, you’re not going to get the same results as you would with a heavier ball.
The reason is simple physics. The heavier the object, the more force it takes to move it. That’s why a -pound bowling ball will travel faster and farther than a lighter one.
But that’s not the only reason why weight matters. The weight of your ball also determines how much spin you can put on it.
A heavier ball will rotate more slowly, which means you can put more spin on it without making it go off course.
That’s why Pros use heavier balls – they can control them better and make them do exactly what they want.
If you’re a beginner, using a lighter ball is probably a good idea. It will be easier to control and won’t wear you out as quickly.
But if you’re serious about bowling, you need to start using a heavier ball. It may take some time to get used to, but in the end, it will help you bowl better scores.
Bowling ball average weight
The weight of a bowling ball can range from 6 to 16 pounds in most cases. Kids who desire to bowl often use 6-8 pound balls, while the majority of adults use 12-16 pound balls.
Most adults, however, may find that a 14-pound bowling ball is the standard weight for a bowling ball.
This weight is perfect for bowling on a regulation size lane. A 14-pound bowling ball will also give you the best possible control when you are bowling.
There are quite a few misconceptions that bamboozle the average player. For example, there is the belief in the bowling industry that heavier balls make you automatically a better bowler.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. In order to understand weight and how it affects your game, it is important to know a little about its physics.
Is a 12 pound bowling ball too light?
Consider this question and the answer: what is the weight of a regulation bowling ball?
The answer is 16 pounds, which is not too much of an inconvenience for some people to carry but can be a problem for others.
A 12-pound bowling ball, on the other hand, is the lightest weight ball that is typically used in bowling. It is not too light for most people, but it may be too light for some.
If you are a beginner, or if you have never bowled before, a 12-pound ball may be a good choice for you. If you are an experienced bowler, or if you have a lot of strength, you may want to choose a heavier ball.
However, in general, you should select a ball based on your physical fitness and comfort level with it.
Although heavier balls perform better than lighter ones, you will find it very challenging to manage a heavy ball if you are not in good physical condition.
So the question about whether or not a 12 pound bowling ball is too late would depend on multiple factors.
But typically, your bowling ball is too light for you if you can maintain your hand position for several minutes. On the other hand, if you drop the ball as soon as you get it in front of you, it is too heavy for you to handle.
It’s also a good idea to keep in mind that the optimal bowling ball weight is 1 pound greater than 10% of your present body weight if you’re intending to get a bowling ball.
For example, you should purchase a 15-pound ball if you weigh 140 pounds.
A 12 pound ball might be too light for the majority of individuals. It’s okay if you discover that a 12-pound ball works best for you, though.
Which would you prefer: 110 points with a 16-pound bowling ball or 160 points with a 12-pound ball? Your wrist strength will steadily develop as you get better.
The first step to choosing a lighter or heavier bowling ball is to determine whether you think you can endure throwing the ball across several games.
A ball might be light enough for you to throw it a few times, but if you can’t repeat your performance over the course of several games, it’s pointless to try and use it.
Using a ball that is ill-suited to you can decrease your performance and make it extremely difficult to replicate results time and again, so make sure that you make the selection of your ball a priority.